发布时间:2013/2/17 点击次数: 6233


        Lacquer caiving technique was created during the Tang Dynasty. The first procedure of the technique is coating about one hundred to hundreds of layers of the Chinese raw lacquer on the object and then carving various patterns and beautiful decorative designs with full knife technique. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, on the basis of lacquer carving technique, the craftsmen of Yangzhou lacquerware selected and used jadeite agate, lapis white jade, coral green jade, pearl shells, ivory and other high-grade materials to carve different relief designs and then inlaid them onto the lacquer carving decorative patterns. It is a kind of creative Lacquer carving and jade inlaying technique in Yangzhou.







        Mother-of-pearl dotting technique is protected specially by our country as a high-grade technique. “Dotting” means technique and “pearl” means material. The process of this technique is selecting green snails, peal shell, abalone and other high-grad materials to cut into many pieces as thin as cicada wings, as small as pinpoint and as dainty as autumn hair. Then they are dotted onto the smooth surface of the lacquerware base with special tools one by one. By means of delicate lacquercoating technique, the product has airtistic style with gorgeous colors and can change with light. Over the years many of the mother-of-pearl dotted products have been selected as state gifts to the foreign heads by our country or collected as national treasures.






“Lacquer ink-slab”was created during the Song Dynasty and greatly developed by the famous lacquer masters Lu Ying-Zhi and Lu Kui-sheng during the Ming Dynasty, The technique was lost during the late period of the Qing dynasty. In 1979, our factory began to develop it and resumed it in March, 1981, and then was appraised by relevant experts. The product has the characteristics with moist endowment, strong but not hard, delicate but not slippery, giving off ink without damaging hair and can be on a par with Duan ink-slab and She ink-slab.


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